Oral surgery

Teeth- and wisdom teeth removal

The removal of teeth is one of the most common procedures in our practice. This also includes orthodontic measures, in which, for example, displaced wisdom teeth are operated with or without sedation. This area of ​​oral surgery is also possible in our practice. Before the removal of the wisdom teeth, it’s important to take a new X-Ray in our practice or to submit an x-ray from your prior dentist (not older than 12 Month’s). Without and x-ray we can’t tell which way the roots are going, where the nerves are and it’s impossible to do an removal of the teeth without that information – it is necessary for the treatment.


The spread of caries can lead to inflammation inside the tooth. This leads to an expansion of the blood vessels, which press on the nerve of the tooth and thus cause severe pain. If the bacteria penetrate to the root tip - the innermost part of the tooth - they can also spread from here to the bones and soft tissues of the face. In the worst case, the bacteria migrate to the entire body via the blood. To prevent this, the dentist can perform a root canal treatment. If this is unsuccessful, the root tip resection is often the last alternative before removing the tooth. Whether this intervention is possible is decided on the basis of an X-ray image. Depending on the case, this tooth can be saved and retained by a root tip resection.